Archive for dwg format

Setting Default Format For Save in AutoCAD LT For Mac

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on September 3, 2012 by maximka2010

Ability to set the default format for save a DWG file can help when working in a cooperation with AutoCAD users that are on different releases.

In AutoCAD for Microsoft Windows you can set default drawing format in the Options dialog box without any doubt. The same setting is not in the Application Preferences dialog box in AutoCAD LT for Mac nor in AutoCAD for Mac. With the help of AutoLISP in AutoCAD for Mac everyone can easily change default format for save using the “DefaultFormatForSave” environment variable. But if you are using AutoCAD LT changing the value forĀ “DefaultFormatForSave” environment variable is not a trivial task.

In order to help users in this case I wrote a simple application (using Automator and ApleScript). The application can help in setting the default format for save on AutoCAD LT (2012 – AppStore version) and on AutoCAD LT 2013 purchased from Autodesk or reseller (non-AppStore version).

You can download application here.

Unzip, and put “AC LT default format for” anywhere inside your home folder. Quit AutoCAD LT and start “AC LT default format for save” application.

First it asks for a copy of the AutoCAD LT which you want to change settings in case you have both (2012 and 2013 AutoCAD LT on your Mac)

then it asks for the default DWG format

and finally displays information dialog

Please post your questions if you have troubles with this application.